This past month
i've been thinking about my life and about myself and about the things i want to change. I like to think i work on all those things daily, so i wanted to pick one of those things and sort of put it under a magnifying glass, so to speak, and
really focus on it and try to "make the change". So what i decided i needed to focus more on and really get serious about is my love of...(clear throat) addiction to chocolate...I seriously LOVE chocolate. Mostly just M&M's...i could eat anything chocolate any time of day, breakfast, lunch dinner and of course dessert, but M&M's i feel like i constantly crave. At first i thought chocolate, or M&M's, was just "my thing" like some people's "thing" is soda, or gum, or "fill in the blank" get the point. But when
i'd rather have chocolate
in place of a meal, every day, at every meal, is when i realized this
isnt just a "thing" it's a problem. SO a week ago or so i decided for the entire month of January, 31
lonnng days, i am going to give up ALL chocolate, (i was going to allow 2 cups of hot cocoa a week but decided against it). My hopes are that after 31 days of not eating any chocolate at all my body will no longer crave it, at least not to the extent that it does now. I want a much healthier body and I believe this is the first step. So for a few days i thought about this, giving myself pep talks about the upcoming month-all along stuffing
my face (horrible picture!) with anything chocolate around the house, because, you know,
i'm afraid
i'll regret not getting what i could, when i could! So something, motivation, hit me during that week of eating chocolate and thinking, and i decided that
i'm going to give up.... ALL JUNK FOOD....for the month of
January, all 31 days of it. Not one piece of chocolate or junk food will hit my lips. I'm
absolutely decided on this, now
i'm just
trying to draw out my boundaries (are wheat thins
considered junk food, etc). I had to post this blog because for one i am very competitive, so knowing that you all have read this i will hold to my word and not cheat, not even once, i suppose for fear of "losing". In my mind, i would see it as you all "winning" if i cheat-fail, and because i like to be the winner, i cant cheat on the new set of rules. I also wanted to post this for support and help from you guys, ideas on healthy snacks and meals that
dont' make me feel like
i'm living in the
rain forest eating bananas all day long and not carbo-loading and defeating the purpose. I know there are tons of tasteful, easy, healthy snacks and meals out there, so
i'd appreciate any ideas you might have for me! One last part-i have an "
abb wheel". It's a small wheel with a handle on each size, you get down on your knees, grip the handles, put the wheel to the ground and roll it outward until your nose touches the ground, then slow and controlled, all the way back to your knees. anyone that has ever tried one of these knows that doing about three of them will kill you for about a week afterward!
haha, i love it, almost instant gratification. So,
i've always wanted to do it 20 times a day for one month (all in one hit or 10 in the morning, 10 at night, whatever
i'm feeling that day) and see the results,
i've tried before, but lack of motivation and
competition left me quitting 2 or 3 days later. So i figured this is the moment to do it! then i kept thinking(i know i know, i think too much) that if
i'm down on the ground doing
abb wheels, i could handle 100 crunches and 10 REAL push ups (
i'm out of shape, so 10 is like
woah, for me).I'm excited to measure my arms, legs, stomach, and weigh myself new year's eve and again on February 1st and see how it's changed! So to recap. My New Year's
Resolution in a very healthy "nutshell" is:
- Absolutely no chocolate
- Absolutely no junk food-no chips, french fries, cookies, ice cream,no drinks containing calories, etc
- 20 Abb Wheel, things, a day.
- 100 crunches a day
- 10 push ups a day
I know most people think it's dumb to do the "diet" thing for a new year's resolution but i think if it gives you the motivation, go for it! (josh is not into the crash dieting thing-smart man-he set longer term goals to get healthier) again i am doing this not to just lose weight, but to really kind of flush my body and start off eating how i should. I don't think Heavenly Father gave me this body to fill with all sorts of crap. I'm hopeing this will jumpstart me, mind and body into a much healthier lifestyle. I don't plan to never eat those things again, just in much, much smaller portions. ... I hope any goals you set, will hlep improve your quality of life, and i offer my support :)
I totally support you in your goal! And know what? You totally motivated me, and I will give up junk food for the entire month too. Every day I always tell myself....okay, no junk food today! Yeah right, that never happens. But I am going to to do whole month commitment and we can help eachother and check in with eachother to make sure we are really doing it! Thanks for motivating me Jess!
ReplyDeleteI did this exact thing my Sophomore year in high school. In the month of December, I thought "I wonder if I could go the whole month without eating any candy or dessert (basically, sugar)." It was hard at first, but it is amazing how quickly our bodies adjust to change and new habits. I told myself I could eat sugar again on Christmas day and didn't even want to when it came around. It was very liberating! And Kes has lost nearly 60 pounds by taking little goals like you have (running about 4 days a week, push ups and sit ups everyday and no food after 10:00). I am excited for you! Good luck!!!
ReplyDeletewow..that's impressive. My husband is the biggest sweet tooth nut around...there is no way that i could do that with how much desserts we have in our house! :) Good luck though..that's awesome! You'll do great!
ReplyDeleteJeremy and I started along term diet/exercise program called P90X a few months back (and need to go back on it...obviously wasn't that long term for us...). I am like you, I LOVE sweets in general and I have very limited self control. So, it really helped to have Jeremy there to "answer too" for lack of better words. And it got easier and easier for me to not have a sugary thing at all in a full day!!! (That is HUGE for me) And as we exercised each day I got to the point where I could do dive bomb push ups (heard of them?...if not I'll tell you about them...they are TOUGH!) it is such a great feeling. Good luck and keep us posted!
ReplyDeletehey email me your phone number so I can call you so when can plan a day to get together sometime this week! my email address is
ReplyDeleteLove it love it!! You are totally amazing and I totally LOVE M&M's too, SO MUCH!!! Especialy the mini ones, but moving on from that evil talk, you are motivating to me and I am going to be better after reading this, way to go girl!
ReplyDeleteyou are so funny, i am having fun reading your posts. and PS im so glad you mentioned those security codes you have to write after a comment because i think they are so funny too!! i'm glad im not the only one! the one i have to write right now is "pandite" hahaha.