Friday, January 22, 2010

Snow Ball FIGHT!

Katie brough Maddy, Morgan and Nathan over to play today. We let the kids loose in the snow and got some cute pictures!
Our cute little snowman, katie did 99.9% of it because i "had to take pictures of them making it" not that my hands were cold or anything ;)
Riley and her painfully cute smile
Snow ball fight...Katie wins "Mother of the Year" award for starting this snowball fight. She threw one at Morgan, aimed for her stomach and got her right below the chin. Morgan was not a happy camper hehe it was cute though! Once the kids caught on to throwing the snow it got pretty fun!
Helping to build our snow man...

They day has been good. It snows, then stops, then rains, then snows. It even got pretty sunny before another good snow :)

You just gotta love where we live. super hot summers and a litte snow in the winter! Can't beat that :)


  1. I just can't believe that it is snowing there. That is just crazy! Just a tiny bit of snow like that would be perfect. Enough to throw snowballs and make a little snowman. How fun!

  2. The kids are super cute! The snowman is wonderful and yay for Katie starting the snow fight!

  3. Oh my!!!! I can't believe it snowed so much!! That's awesome!! Riley smiles like her uncle Matt.. Haha :) -tammy

  4. That is crazy that you guys get snow! And a bunch of it too! Looks like its fun though!

  5. Those pictures are so cute... Riley's hands look so cold, but you can tell she LOOOOOVES it!

  6. Looks like a ton of fun! So glad you got to make a little snowman and have a snow ball fight! That is the best! And your little lady is SO CUTE!!!! Glad you love where you live, I think it is too far away from me but I am super glad you guys are super happy!

  7. Oh MAN! So sad we missed the snow :( My mom said she took the girls out and made snowmen, but I hope it snows again this year, so i can enjoy it too! (and NOT the the snow here that come with FREEZING cold weather!)


Whatta ya say about that?