Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We're expecting...

some great comments on these pictures, becuase there is a LOT of them and two hilarious, quicky, videos :) HA, got you all. Everyone is sooooooo sure i'm pregnant i just thought i'd make you all jump off your chairs and say "seee i told you!" only to sit down and say "oh." I am in the mind set, "it will happen when it happens" and i feel good about that.
I haven't blogged anything in quite some time. Working just two days a week has proven to really throw me off. My house is a disaster, not only unorganized but getting so gross and dirty by the minute and i just don't feel like cleaning it-i know-not like me at all! It's getting to the point where i'm going to wake up one night soon and start cleaning! I love my job, it's been nice making a little extra money, i do miss riley a lot most days, but it's nice and i know she is in good hands. Working makes me so tired, i'm lucky it's only on monday's and wednesdays so i have a day inbetween to re-coop and then a long weekend, but even still i have just not found the desire to clean although this house is driving me nuts! Riley and i go on adventures instead, often to my mother in law's, we bring her pool and let her play if the weather allows. Today i took her to a near by park with a pond and lots of ducks to feed before her dr's appointment (dumb cough won't let up!) Nothing extraordinary has happened in awhile but i have some great pictures of our life from the past few weeks. Hope you enjoy! Oh just a mini riley update, she is finally starting to talk (17months) if we tell her to say "hi" she waves, but if we tell her to say "Hi" really annunciating the H she says it, same with "bye-bye" she does say "bite" "boots" and "shoes" and a few others, although josh and i are having a blast since we found out she will try to say anything we tell her too :)
My friend Rachel sent these awesome rain boots to riley. She totally loves them even though she could barely walk in them at first!
She would put them on, take them off, put them on take them off....

BEST DOLLAR EVER SPENT. riley is infatuated with chalk-walmart has this mini tub for a dollar right now in the toy section on the end cap. She is always pointing to go play outside with her "ch-aw-t"

Okay so the first video -pretty funny, i wanted to capture riley's face going down this huge run we made and played on in big bear for a few days. She loved it but would just sit and lick her jacket, which was always in her face, then at the
bottom she would do the sign for "more" or again. It was pretty fast and bumpy too! Since i got more of my face than hers i asked my step-dad if he would sit on a sled in front of us, put his feet on our sled so we'd be stuck together and he could get a better video that way. well, my mom was supposed to tell him if he was going to hit a tree or not, haha he didn't, but going backwards, fast, trying to video tape and hold on...well just watch and see!

My stepdad Monte and i ran into this tree because of our err weight, we went a lot faster!

of course i did this backwards! but my mom, riley and i went on this boogie board looking sled, mom in front, me on back and riley STANDING in the middle so she could see. SO FUNNY!

starting off at the top, riley looking over my mom's shoulder me holding on for dear life and trying to hold riley between my knees!

Riley having a grumpy day, it's hard to stand in the snow. BUT she did love to eat it so she was constantly licking her boots and gloves :)

i had an idea to sit on this sled with my mom, we started side ways trying to get our butts on it and hold up our feet but just as soon as we started to go it spun me to the front! guess we know who weighs more...

Yoga time, riley tried to mimick all the moves except she thought "down dog" was "peek-a-boo" time

First bubble bath! Sometimes when riley is bored and i don't feel like "playing" i stick her in the bath because she loves them. i decided to do bubbles even though you aren't really supposed to with girls, and she LOVED it!!!

For josh's birthday in february he wanted to go to disneyland and i surprised him with medeival times tickets, he's never been and has always wanted to. We had such a blast there, our knight even tried to throw me a flower but it fell right in front of me and someone else got it and the knight looked and me and shrugged his shoulders as if to say "sorry, sweet lady, i tried" so he got my heart all the same :)


so hard to take a pictre on a ride!

My good good friend Rachel, from college came to visit all the way from Bosoton. It was rainy the whole time sadly, but we made it to in and out! you simply can't come to california and not make and in and out stop.

This one is pretty posed but we needed an updated picture of the two of us and the "regular" poses weren't cuttin' it!

Riley's new rain jacket-thanks caitlin!


  1. Fun pictures! Loved them! Riley is getting SO big! It's crazy!

  2. LOVE her rain jacket- so cute! And the boots too! Riley is getting to be so much fun- I am really looking forward to getting to hang out with you guys more when we move there in a couple of weeks!

  3. How fun. I love the age when they start to say thing sthat you say. Have fun with it..

  4. That was a great update!!! Love the pictures and all your adventures. Sledding and Medival times looked like a blast!

  5. ADORABLE Pics! Wow, that little girl has grown up. For some reason I still think of her as the 4 month old she was when I saw her. She will be in nursery soon! :) Makenna started saying a lot right around 18 months, before then it was just a word here and there. She is a doll.

  6. Very fun! I love Medieval Times too! SO cool!

  7. your pictures are so cute! Love the rain boots!


Whatta ya say about that?