Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cloth Diapers

I am anxious to switch over to cloth diapers. I have to admitt my main motivation behind this is NOT the environment but the money i will save each month...(somewhere just over 30 bucks!) But knowing that my diapers will no longer be clogging up land fills is a great bonus...knowing that i will be scraping POO from the diapers into the toilet is definetly the worst thought about all this but then i just think...30 dollars freed up each month. Worth it to me (not my husband. lets make that clear).
There are SOOO many options of cloth diapers.
I've narrowed it down to two that i love...that is until i find another that i like...but BumGenius 4.0 and FuziBunz One size  I was a big Bum Genius fan until tonight. I looked up the Fuzibunz and those would be my top choice now, i think?
Both are leading brands (go figure, i have to fall in love with the two most expensive) and one diaper us just around 20 dollars each! eek! (a little less if you buy in bulk, but still quite the investment)
Does anyone have any advice? Has anyone tried cloth diapers? Please let me know...
Thanks! Happy Diapering ;)


  1. No suggestions! If you feel you can do it, go for it! I can't imagine doing that. Good luck. Can't wait to hear an update!

  2. I must admit... I would be all for cloth diapers if I knew the 30 I would save a month would go straight to whatever I wanted! Bc I'm sure I'd be the one scraping the poop off! Lol! (even though I'd probably just turn around and spend it on my kids!) Let me know how it goes... And I will see about trying it out with the next. :):)

  3. No advice here! I'll gladly pay the 30 dollars a month so I don't have scrape poop off the cloth diapers. I'm just fine with disposable diapers! Good luck to you! :)

  4. I loved using cloth diapers, but then I used a diaper service. No scraping poo for me. It's certainly advanced since Kayleigh was in diapers!!!

  5. I used cloth diapers on Connor from when he was born until potty trained (almost 2 years). I used Kushies, kissaluvs, bumGenius, babyland, dappi, Happy Heinies, gDiapers & some homemade ones. I liked Kushies the best, then gDiapers. I do have 9 gDiapers. 8-9 babyland & and 5 kushies left if you'd like to try them :) (that's all I didn't sell because I liked those). I think bumGenius was most like a disposible diaper, if that's what you're going for.

    Not sure if you're ok with using used diapers, but you can get them a TON cheaper on craigslist or ebay or diaperswappers... and they're usually in VERY good condition. Then just wash them in REALLY hot water and maybe even some borax (bleach isn't good for them) and you're good to go.

    As for the scraping poo off.... honestly, you'll get used to it after about a week, and you won't even think about it anymore. It'll just be something you do. My husband did it all the time, didn't even bother him either. It's really not that big of a deal, I promise!

    There's another brand called KaWaii and they are MAJORLY cheap... and I have heard from numerous people that they are wonderful diapers. They are very similar to bumGenius. I've never heard a bad review on them. They're 1 size too, which is nice. you can get them at kellys closet for about $10 a diaper... or you can find them on ebay (brand new) too, by the maker of them. (here's a link to the ebay ones... 12 diapers for $80 and free s/h)... the lady is from Canada who makes them.

    Hope that helps and doesn't get you more confused :) Let me know if you wanna borrow anything I have :)


  6. My friend just switched to cloth diapers as well. Fuzibunz sounds familiar but I"m not sure if that is what she liked. She uses one that you just have a liner in the diaper that you can pull off (with poop) and flush. SHE LOVES it. Uses it for her 2 yr old boy and newborn girl as well as at nights for her 4 yr old! She said it took some getting used to but well worth it in the long run. God for you

  7. I wish I had some pearls of wisdom about cloth diapers but I don't. I am excited to see how it goes :)


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