Friday, April 2, 2010

April Fools-I got her good!

For April Fool's day I made "cup cakes" for dinner-meat loaf baked in cup cake papers in a cup cake pan with hot pink dyed mashed potatos for frosting. I kept telling her that she was going to have cup cakes for dinner. I thought she'd be so mad when she found out it was meat loaf but she loved it and ate two! She didnt get the joke...

Then later on i asked her if she wanted some jucie....look what happened!


  1. That is too funny! :) We switched out Adam and Makayla's underwear drawers, they thought it was funny that they had each other's underwear! :)

  2. oh man Jess, you are so funny. And she is sooo cute!! I want a daughter exactly like her.

  3. I was cracking up out loud at that. Makenna even came into the room to see what was so funny. I guess I never thought about playing April Fools jokes on my little kids...I love it though! What a cute mommy you are. I can't wait for next April 1st now!

  4. That's too funny...I can't wait to play jokes on our kids! What's the point of having Kiddos if you can't have a little fun ;)

  5. I love it! Couldn't stop laughing, even had to show my husband.

  6. Jess that is SO FUNNY!!! You tricking your kid! SO FUNNY!!!! I would have never thought to trick my kid!
    I totally had Kip thinking I was pregnant yesterday, he was FREAKING OUT!!!!! Totally funny tricks!

  7. haha! that was so funny! i was laughing out loud too. i like how she is so frustrated and you are busting up laughing. ha! that's so awesome! kev said you should totally turn that into america's funniest home videos. i love her little voice! good job! i so want to trick our kids like that!


Whatta ya say about that?