Friday, March 4, 2011


Something has been weighing on my mind lately. I left a comment for a fellow blogger probably close to a year ago. This comment was supposed to be one that gave support and comfort. As i submitted the comment i wondered if it would come across wrong ( i was nervous because there was absolutly NO intention for it to, it was just a touchy subject and with those you really have to chose your words carefully. The only intent was to try to lift the other person's spirits a little) Well, this had been weighing on my mind a lot for some reason (it really is an issue that probably shouldn't be causing me this rock in my gutt feeling but it is) I'm a little prideful that i am NOT "that person" i am not the type of person who says weird or un-tactile, or hurtful things without knowing it (in advance before i open my mouth). It's a blessing that i am grateful for...but i think i might of been "that person" for a moment when i posted that comment. It's such an awful feeling. I don't know if you read this blog still but if you do I am sorry. I am so sorry. I meant to be a nice person and if it didn't come out that way please forgive me.
I think what made me think about this again is that i was going to get a sea world pass(buy a day and get the year for free) but now that riley is 3 she will cost to get in. and cost only 8 dollars less than an adult.(dumb huh?!) It's not money we want to spend right now just for fun. So i was majorly dissapointed and thought of all the excuses...
"They" would never know how old she really is.
She only weighs like maybe 2 pounds more then last year when she was two and free.
She doesn't take up any more space, she can't do anything more than a 2 year old could.
I even told riley if we go and they ask her how old she is that she should answer "two"...and we practiced. That is when i decided this was not okay to lie. I still think the price is RIDICULOUS (come on people, i can handle paying half price) but that is no reason to lie and cheat and i dont' want Riley learning that either.
Side note to lighten things up a little. I ate it again. It's been about a year since i fell running. It was time. I only got a little scratch on my ankle this time but i can see the instant replay in my slow-mo too...pretty funny.


  1. Well being a person who isn't very tactful I have yet to witness you say anything tactless. As for the outrageous child theme park prices I'm right with ya sista.

  2. Jess, you are a great person. I feel that I am that person that says things without thinking and then feel like a complete idiot. If I have done that I'm sorry. ... Sorry about the fall. I remember I fell in high school and literally got laughed at and pointed to. Andyways good luck with the training and we have sea world passes so if you'd like a friend to go with we are free :)

  3. I wouldn't say you "ate it." You were pretty graceful this time : )

  4. I wish I saw you eat it :) I know, aren't I mean? I partly with I saw it because I wish I was there with you at the time running and all, like we used to.
    The rest of your post I think is very sweet and shows what a wonderful and kind person you are! I am honored to be called your friend!

  5. I can't imagine that you could have been mean or offensive. You are such a sweet person. And the fact that it has been weighing on you so much just proves that. The other day I sprained my ankle running around in the backyard with the kids. It's much more embarrassing falling as an adult. :)
    And I totally can relate to the struggle with Wanting so bad to just say your kids are younger and get another free year out of them. But you made the good choice.


Whatta ya say about that?