Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Next milestone coming up!

Braden's been getting on hands and knees lately. Rocking back and forth and all that jazz ;) He's gone one "crawl" or hand movement forward a couple times but nothing consecutivley.
He tries so hard though. He wants to crawl so bad!
He sometimes gets stuck in "down dog" when trying to remember what he's supposed to do!

Our cousin Katie offered to watch riley one day for me b/c i wasn't feeling so hot, so me and braden got to spend some good quality time together and practice crawling too.
Josh took braden to his first "father and son over nighter" and stayed just for the dinner part so me and riley went on a little date too. We shared McDonalds then went to the park to swing and then home to make these FUN FUN FUN popcicles.

My boss gave me this for Mother's day and it was our first chance to use it.
It's called a "Zoku" quick pop maker. (google it, they are so neat) What you do is freeze the entire unit for 24 hours. (There is liqued inbetween the walls, kind of like a freezer pack you put in a cooler or whatnot, and it freezes over 24 hours) and then whenever your ready you take the unit out and put the popsicle sticks in and fill the slots with whatever you want. The popcicles freeze right before your very eyes in 7-9 min! So this night we did chocolate and strawberry milk and added some marshmellows to them :) You can do so many things, you can put yogurt and granola, or just plain juice. You gotta get creative. I saw a recipe for ones with bits of brownies and strawberries in it!

****hapy to report Braden is now crawling...i made this post a few days ago to "be ahead of the game" but now that i'm ready to post it he started crawling. It's still in the beginning stages- He'll do a crawl or two then lay on his stomach, then do it "wounded army man style" then back to hands and knees. I'm so proud :)


  1. That popsicle maker looks so cool! My kids LOVE when I put some juice in a cup and freeze it for them. Way to go Braden! It's so exciting when they learn something new.

  2. yay! i remember haileys first crawl! i just about scared everybody! lol.

  3. That is a cool popsicle maker. A crawling Braden, fun for you. Very cute.

  4. Yay for Braden!! Those pops look yummy! Love the strawberry milk idea!

  5. Go Braden! They seem so much bigger once they are crawling. I can't believe he is old enough to be getting around. How fun!

  6. Love the popsicle maker that is so dang cool! SO COOL!
    Congrats on the crawling baby boy! Love it! Your kids are getting so big!


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