Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Who thinks they got it?!

Thanks to a friend of mine-thanks christy-i got the fun idea to give away a free candy bar to whoever can guess what day i will deliver this baby! Just a fun way for you to get free candy and a fun way for me to pass this time, growing more and more anxious with every passing day!
My stats so far are not too interesting but may help you in deciding what day i will pop. The due date my Dr. has given me after two ultra sounds is October 12th. With Riley i did deliver one week early, but i was induced due to some minor complications.(so not much help there except that i didn't go into early labor on my own) With riley my dr. did strip/swipe/sweep(?!)-get rid of my "membranes" and four days later i was still not in labor, so he went on with the induction. I'm about 4.5 weeks away from my "due date" and feeling good, starting to just feel "OK". i haven't been having any contractions, but my back has been killing by the end of most days, i'm definetly just starting to feel "different" rather than just big and round. I dont believe i've "dropped" any yet, i promise to post new pictures asap. So not much help but we'll see what you guys can come up with! Leave me a comment looking something like this:
Jessica Fisher
Due date guess: oct 8th
Favorite candy: m&m's
p.s. if you live somehwere i need to mail the candy, please chose a non-chocolatley one so it won't melt, unless you want to take your chances :)
Good luck to all!


  1. Hi!
    Emily Thomas
    October 10, 2009
    Peanut M&M's :)

    I do kind of hope the baby is born on my birthday, October 12!

  2. Katie Kinser
    October 4th

  3. Hey. I don't need the candy but it's still fun to guess!
    Jennifer Ward
    Oct. 9th
    mike n ikes

  4. Lisa Fisher
    October 12th
    Reese's Pieces

  5. Natalie Woll
    October 5th
    Peanut Butter M&M's

  6. Jennifer Lomenick
    October 3rd (we could share a b-day)

    I will be down in November so I would take it then and not take my chances of it melting.

    Oct 8, 2009
    chic-o-stick (yeah baby)

  8. Ok I am going to be the only mean one and guess that you are going to go over because I went over and I had lots of signs of going early so
    Sarah Robinson
    October 16th

    Can't wait to see who this little one is!!!! YEAH!!!

  9. Amanda McKamey
    October 11th
    M&M's (I will take the risk)

    I can't believe your due date is approaching so soon. Your pregnancy has flown by for me :)

  10. Well since all that dates I picked are already gone.

    October 13th
    3 Musketeers

    What a fun idea!!

  11. Chanelle neilson
    October 6th
    Dark chocolate, any brand with 70% or more cacao.

    The race is on, by the way! I hope I win and get to the finish line (and the delivery room) first!

  12. Saw your comment on my blog! hope you don't mind me taking a guess..OCt 16th? My son was born Nov 16 so that seemed right ;)

  13. oh someone already guessed that so I will go with the 17th!

  14. Crystina to the Fisher
    October 7th
    Any sour candy! :D

  15. somebody already guessed my birthday so I will say
    Alyson Stubbs
    October 15th
    don't really need any candy just wanted to guess :)
    but I love anything dark chocolate


Whatta ya say about that?