YES! one second passed midnight this saturday i will be free to eat chocolate, gold fish, icecream, whatever i want! yahoooooo. But the important thing is i feel like i've learned a lot from this month of no junk etc. The biggest thing i learned about myself is that out of this entire month, so far-minus these last few days-i really only craved chocolate or something on that sweet level really really really really really bad, like i wanted to pull my hair out bad, ONCE! that's it. There were other times of course that those things sounded good, but since i knew i wasn't going to eat them, they never even really turned into a craving. I really hope that when february roles around i can remember this and wait to eat chocolate and junk only in those moments of desperation, and then it will truely be a treat, the way it's supposed to be! So, all is going well with the resoltution and i love the simple exercises (push ups, sit ups and abb wheels) i do each morning so much i'm going to continue those on through the rest of mylife i hope! they only take like maye 4 min. tops and they make you feel so great :)
Enough of this chit-chat, on to the good stuff, pictures: